First Snow .....

"Forest and field are covered with snow."
I'm counting on Eva to make corrections to incorrect translations.  :-)

We've had our first snow and it was fairly impressive. All the schools were closed today. But we are nowhere near sledding snow yet. I hate it that my daughter has to drive to work in the very early morning hours, on these hilly, curvy, and possibly icy roads. Snow Day used to mean fun. Now it means worry. But I'm trying, really trying, not to be an overbearing worrywart Mom. It's not easy. I'm so good at imagining the worst, and deluding myself that if I worry about something hard enough, then it won't happen! It seems that ever since my daughter was born, I have been learning the lesson that I can't live her life for her, and I can't protect her from the world. Motherhood sometimes seems like a continuous, never-ending process of learning to let go. But it's pretty wonderful, isn't it? Every time you let go, it's because your child has developed a new skill of their own. So, maybe I don't get to hold her hand forever, but I think I'll always be blessed by being held in her heart. I imagine it goes without saying that she will always be held in mine. ♥

Funny, I thought this post was going to be about snow. :)

Family Portrait

UPDATE: I should make note of the fact that this gorgeous work of art is Five Feet across!!! Big!

Fifth grade art project by Adeline. Left to right, front row: Cupcake, Beezer, Emma, Hammy (the little striped hamster, partially hidden by lampshade), Sadie. Back row: Doug, Adeline, Morna. I am posting this because some of my cyber friends wonder why I never post a picture of myself. So, now you have a picture of me. :)

Happy Birthday - To Me

I won't tell exactly how old I am, but I'll give you some clues. Here's a picture of me with my Mommy, circa 1952.

And here is a picture of me with my sweet Adeline, circa 1988 - how do you like that perm? LOL.

The next logical progression would be a picture of Adeline with her baby. We aren't ready for that. Puh-leeze! She's still in college!