Morna Crites-Moore

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Reaching to heaven, connected to earth

HODAKA HASEBE: handmade bowl
Lucky number eight, symbol of infinity, eternity, it connects heaven and earth and it is the number of the winner of the giveaway I offered in the previous post.)

Using a random number generator seemed a bit grandiose for choosing a number from one to ten, so I had my daughter pick the winner from a bowl. The winner is number eight, aka Pie Lady Pat. Pat, if you will send me a message or leave a comment here to tell me which three cards you want for your gift, I'll get in touch for your address.

By the way, the bowl was made by Hodaka Hasebe. I bought it from his Etsy store, HodakaPottery.  Every piece I've bought from him is a beautifully made and functional work of art. He is a master of his craft. I hope he achieves great fame and fortune but I hope his prices don't shoot up until after I've finished buying the pieces I want. While I'm on the subject, here is a thoughtful piece of writing about why some of us care about handmade, one of a kind objects, such as those made by Hasebe.

I thank you for your comments regarding photos and note cards. They've been quite helpful. Plus, it's just nice to have a cyber chat and receive feedback. What I take away from the comments:
  • Yes, do it!
  • Try to do both cards and prints, but cards may be easier to sell, which is exactly the opposite of what I was assuming.  
  • Do your research and EVERYTHING else that Christine Mauersberger said!
  • Put more cards with images of my textile work out there.
  • Remember to offer sets in addition to single cards.
Based on your comments, here are some images that I'm thinking of having printed:
As always, comments & opinions are very welcome.

If you want to keep track of my photos, I am selling them at my Etsy shop named MORNA. I don't have much now, but I'll be working on it. Thank you so much for your help!