Sewing Pockets

Here is another thing I like to make - the Sewing Pocket. Some call it a Sewing Fold-Over. Some call it a Sewing Roll-Up; in fact that's what I call it, although I rarely make one that actually does roll up. When you open one up it has a pincushion as part of the inside, and a pocket. I generally include a nice pair of stainless steel folding scissors in the pocket, just for fun. I love my personal roll-up. It is so handy to take with, whether I'm headed for the family room, a friend's house, or the local coffee shop. It holds pins, needles, extra thread, scissors, and some buttons. Fantastic for travel. What more do I need?


Here are some of the pinkeeps I've made with my recycled, felted wool. They are about 2.5 - 3.5 inches across. I enjoy making these. They are just a perfect size to hold in the palm of your hand. And lots of fun to look at - - I have some hanging as "art" instead of using them to hold sewing pins!

Star Birds

When I started making things from felted wool (which I process from recycled sweaters and blankets), about 12 or so years ago, I made lots and lots of bags. I don't have many good photos of them - it was pre-digital camera time for me. I do have some nice shots of this more recent bag I made - with my favorite motifs of birds and stars. This was a custom order, made for someo

ne whose last name actually is Starbird. How's that for a perfect coincidence? I had a lot of fun making this bag. I hope you enjoy it too. Above is what I think of as the front of the bag and to the right (below) is the back. It is made entirely from my felted wool and hand stitched with wool tapestry thread. The drawstrings are also from wool yarn, which I first knit into a cylindrical cord, and then felt along with the sweaters.

Speaking of Star Birds, you just must go see

Einstein, The Amazing Talking Parrot

. He's a kick, and he's pretty much guaranteed to put a smile on your face.