Morna Crites-Moore

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Such a secret place

Something precious arrived recently: a textile woven by Susan Johnson of Avalanche LoomsSpilled Milk, Half-empty or Half-full is the title of this small textile. It is one of a series Susan  calls crying towels. She says they are "about our human experience of sorrow. Our human tears flow for many reasons, from slicing onions, or small frustrations, or physical or psychic pain. Some tears are for hard things, that can't be changed. These towels are suitable for all occasions of crying, made with sympathy and compassion for our shared human condition."

It took my breath away when I opened the small parcel that arrived in my mailbox. It is lovely beyond words. Adeline, Bill and I spent a good amount of time admiring it and discussing the many ways in which it might be displayed. It was quite pleasing to see both of them have such genuine appreciation for this beautiful handwork. 

I’ve admired Susan’s work for years and now I've finally managed to acquire a piece. And am I now feeling satisfied? No. I want more! 

I’ve been experimenting with the No-Knead Bread recipe. I finally have a nice shape figured out but the flavor is lacking. It’s not bad, but it also is not awesome. Fresh baked bread has to be awesome.

I do believe that exquisite new towel charmed me into spending my day in the kitchen - cooking, baking, and warm homemaking. 

It is such a secret place, the land of tears.

~Antoine de Saint-Exupery~