Heavenly Cuffs

 I'm really loving these cuffs . . . all the tattered textiles, the old velvet, the sari silks, the vintage lace, the pearls, the antique buttons . . . these are all things that I love. I've listed them at my WickedWaifFiber Etsy store. I do hope other people will love them, too . . . it provides nice motivation to continue.

Nap Time - But First a Few Cuffs

 Three cuffs to put in my Etsy shop. I thought you might enjoy a sneak preview.

I never went to bed last night so I'm just about ready to crash. I was awake for sunrise - all that early light glittering on the ice covered trees - wow! It was magical. Maybe after my nap, I'll put the cuffs in my Etsy shop. Or else I'll do it this weekend, at the latest. 

Nighty night!


My daughter introduced me to cuffs. For those not in the know, they are fiber bracelets that are fitted to the wrist. The moment she showed me one, I knew I had to try my hand at making them. I now have a couple for sale at my etsy shop. I am hoarding the others, to take to my show in November. Maybe these photos will tempt you to come visit my booth. :-)